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Lip Blush Healing Journey

Lip Blush Journey

Welcome to my blog, where I'll be sharing my personal experience with lip blush tattooing – from the process itself to the healing journey afterward. If you've ever wondered about lip blush, its effects, or what to expect during the healing process, you're in the right place.

As a Cosmetic Tattoo Artist and someone who has recently undergone lip blush tattooing, I understand the curiosity and questions surrounding this procedure. It's not just about the end result; it's also about the journey to get there. So, let's dive into my experience and shed some light on what you can expect.

Before diving into the procedure itself, let's talk about preparation. It's essential to come to your appointment with a clean face, free of makeup. Additionally, if you've ever experienced a cold sore, even once, I highly recommend taking Valtrex three days prior to your appointment. Trust me, this precaution will prove to be beneficial, as I'll explain later.

For my own lips, I desired a subtle yet impactful enhancement. While I naturally have fuller lips, I wanted to achieve a more defined shape, particularly in the cupid's bow area. Moreover, as someone with paler lips, I aimed for an overall colour saturation to enhance their appearance. As a cosmetic tattoo artist, I understand the importance of matching the inner tones of the lips for the most natural-looking results and seamless blend.

Before, natural lips (previously tattooed in 2010, remaining pigment is gone.


Before beginning the tattooing process, I made sure to prioritize cleanliness and sterility. After cleansing my lips and the surrounding area thoroughly, I applied a 5% numbing cream and allowed it to sit for 15 minutes. This step was crucial to ensure that my lips were adequately numb and I could proceed with minimal discomfort.


Once the numbing cream had taken effect, I began tattooing my lip area. Using gentle pressure and precise movements, I carefully applied the pigment, gradually building up saturation while keeping a close eye on the shape. Throughout the process, I intermittently reapplied a secondary numbing agent, particularly focusing on open skin areas, to manage any discomfort effectively.

Midway Break:

Halfway through the tattooing process, I took a brief break to ice my lips. This not only helped to alleviate swelling but also provided a moment of relief, allowing me to continue with increased comfort and focus.

Final Touches:

After about an hour of meticulous work, I was satisfied with the overall saturation and shape of my lips. Recognizing the importance of not overworking the delicate lip skin, I decided to call it a day and concluded the tattooing session.

That evening, after getting my lip tattoo, I made it a priority to keep the area clean to prevent infection. Every time after meals and drinks, I ensured to cleanse my lips and mouth thoroughly, using a straw to avoid direct contact with the affected area. Maintaining cleanliness is crucial in the initial stages of healing to ward off any potential infections.

To aid in the healing process and soothe any discomfort, I religiously applied my Tattoo Aftercare Lip Balm by Ink Kare, a locally made product here on Vancouver Island. This lip balm contains ingredients specifically formulated to promote healing and keep the lips moisturized, which is essential for preventing dryness and cracking.

Make it stand out

Ink Care Aftercare Product

Additionally, I incorporated icing into my aftercare routine by applying an ice pack to my lips for 30 minutes before bedtime. This helped to reduce swelling and alleviate some of the discomfort associated with the tattooing process. After icing, I made sure to give my lips a final cleanse using Ink Kare Aftercare Soap and reapply the lip balm for added protection overnight.

Despite taking these precautions, I still experienced some discomfort in the form of a "wind-burnt" sensation, which I would rate at about 7.5 out of 10 on the pain scale. This discomfort occurred as the numbing effect wore off, and my lips became more sensitive to touch and movement.

That Evening

Some swelling, slight feeling like Wind Brunt/Capped lips.

Day 1 : Feeling optimistic

As I woke up this morning, I noticed that my lips were slightly swollen and felt tight. There wasn't any major pain, but it was definitely a noticeable sensation. Despite this, the colour of my lips remained vibrant, which was a relief.

Following the aftercare instructions, I started my day by gently cleansing the area around my lips. I made sure to be extra gentle to avoid any irritation or discomfort. Once cleansed, I applied my lip balm, which has been a staple in my aftercare routine.

Throughout the day, I continued to follow my aftercare regimen, which includes cleansing the area after meals and reapplying my lip balm regularly. I'm being diligent about following these steps to ensure proper healing and to minimize any potential side effects.

Overall, Day 1 has been relatively smooth sailing. While there's some swelling and tightness, it's nothing unexpected or alarming.

Day 1, morning snapshot.

Day 2 : Keep Hydrated

As I woke up this morning, I couldn't help but notice that my lips still felt slightly swollen and tight, much like they did yesterday. However, I was relieved to find that there wasn't any major pain accompanying this sensation. It seems like my lips are still in the process of recovering. Throughout the day, I kept a close eye on my lips, and I noticed some changes occurring. They were starting to peel, which wasn't exactly pleasant to look at, but I took it as a sign that my body was shedding the damaged skin and making way for new, healthier skin to emerge.

One thing I noticed is that if I wasn't diligent about applying my lip balm regularly, my lips would quickly dry out again. It's amazing how much of a difference a simple lip balm can make in keeping my lips moisturized and comfortable.

I also made sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, as I've heard that hydration plays a crucial role in maintaining soft, supple lips. 

Day 3: Dealing with the Unexpected

This morning greeted me with an unwelcome surprise – a swollen upper left corner of my lip, indicating the onset of a cold sore. As someone who has experienced this before, I know all too well the inconvenience and discomfort it brings. It serves as a stark reminder of the importance of taking precautions to prevent such outbreaks.

Reflecting on my history with cold sores, I recalled having my first encounter back in elementary school. It was a painful experience, and I hoped to avoid a recurrence at all costs. Unfortunately, my only other breakout was when I had my lips tattooed in 2010, an event that triggered the dormant virus.

As a trained technician, I understand the importance of prompt action when dealing with cold sores. Valtrex is often recommended to mitigate the symptoms and speed up the healing process. However, I made a conscious decision not to take it this time. Instead, I chose to confront the situation head-on, opting to showcase the reality and consequences of such outbreaks.

My initial response was to apply ice to the affected area to alleviate the swelling. Alongside this, I diligently applied my preferred cold sore medication, hoping to minimize its impact. Despite my efforts, I couldn't help but indulge in a moment of self-pity, frustrated by the interruption to my routine.

Throughout the day, I maintained my skincare regimen, ensuring to cleanse and moisturize my lips. However, I took extra care to avoid the cold sore area when applying lip balm, mindful not to exacerbate the infection or spread it further.

While dealing with a cold sore can be discouraging, it's essential to approach it with patience and diligence. 

Coldsore Breakout

Take preventive measures!!!

Day 4 : My Pity Party for One

Today marks the fourth day since I got my lip tattooed, and boy, has it been a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences.

First off, the swelling is starting to go down, which is a huge relief. However, there's still one stubborn guest at this party that just won't leave—the cold sore. Yes, it's still hanging around, being as painful and unsightly as ever.

I have to admit, today was a bit of a rough one for me. The discomfort from the cold sore coupled with the frustration of knowing that I could have prevented it by taking anti-cold sore medication made me feel pretty down. It's one of those moments where you look back and think, "I could have avoided this." But hey, we live and we learn, right?

So, what did I do to cope with this less-than-ideal situation? Well, I decided to embrace the concept of self-care wholeheartedly. That's right—I declared today a "pity party for one" and indulged in some serious self-care activities.

First order of business: binge-watching my favourite TV series. There's something oddly comforting about escaping into the fictional worlds of my favourite characters, especially when reality isn't playing nice. So, I grabbed my comfiest blanket, stocked up on snacks, and settled in for a marathon session of pure entertainment.

But self-care isn't just about distraction—it's also about nurturing your body and mind. So, in between episodes, I made sure to hydrate myself, eat nourishing meals, and take breaks to stretch and relax. Sometimes, the simplest acts of self-care can make a world of difference.

As the day went on, I found myself feeling a little better, both physically and emotionally. Sure, the cold sore was still there, but I was determined not to let it ruin my day entirely. After all, setbacks happen, and it's how we respond to them that truly matters.

So, here I am, at the end of Day 4 of my lip tattoo healing journey, feeling a little battered but still standing. Tomorrow is a new day, full of new opportunities for healing and growth. And who knows? Maybe this time tomorrow, that pesky cold sore will finally be on its way out.

Pity Party

Coldsores suck, and are extremely uncomfortable!

Day 5: This morning, I sense a glimmer of hope in the midst of this cold sore ordeal. My lips have noticeably improved - the swelling has subsided, and the tightness in my upper lip is gradually easing. The cold sores themselves are becoming less prominent and are showing signs of healing. Their colour is also stabilizing nicely. I'm sticking to my aftercare routine diligently, cleansing and applying lip balm regularly.

Serenity Approaches

Coldsores are healing and colour is settling in nicely.

Day 6 Update: My lips are starting to feel almost normal again. The tightness in the upper lip persists, but I'm diligently moisturizing the area. The cold sores are healing nicely and fading away (yay!). The color looks great, and I'm thrilled with the progress. It's important to remind ourselves that slow and steady wins the race; we often crave instant results (like Amazon Prime lip blush), but sometimes it's better to opt for the patience of snail mail lip blush. Waiting allows us to appreciate and cherish the outcome even more.

Slow and Steady

We must keep in mind that taking things slowly and steadily is the correct approach. Often, we crave instant results, but it's essential to pause and appreciate the process. By slowing down, we learn to cherish and value things more deeply.

Day 22 : After 22 days, the initial session has successfully healed. My lips now boast a soft pink hue, blending seamlessly, and I'm genuinely pleased with the overall color. However, upon closer inspection, I notice certain areas that will benefit from refinement during the second session to perfect both the shape and saturation. I prefer working in this manner as it provides me with a clearer understanding of which specific areas require adjustments. I am mindful not to overwork the area or apply excessive pigment, considering the unpredictable nature of how our bodies retain pigment and the true outcome of the chosen pigment once tattooed beneath the skin. This approach affords me ample flexibility to make necessary adjustments with ease, rather than attempting to rectify any issues after the fact. I consistently convey this perspective to my clients, stressing the significance of gradual improvement over the pursuit of immediate solutions.

Boast a soft pink hue

I would rather focus on refining the healed outcome of the cosmetic tattoo technique instead of diving into a complicated array of issues.

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